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DATARAM Memory/DDR3-1866 PC3-14900 ECC 1.5V

DATARAM Memory/ DDR3-1866 PC3-14900 ECC 1.5V (DRC1866D1X/16GB)

DATARAM Memory/DDR3-1866 PC3-14900 ECC 1.5V

  • Muistin koko 16GB

World-Class Services
As a pioneer in leading-edge memory solutions, Dataram offers a world-class suite of services to meet your every need. We are committed to providing comprehensive service and support to all of our customers as long as you own our memory products.

High-Quality Software
Dataram offers high-quality companion software products designed to leverage your investment in technology while optimizing the performance of your data center and application suite.

Strategic Business Partner
Dataram is your strategic business partner in optimizing performance in your data center and introducing measurable reductions in expenses.

Enterprise Memory Solutions for CIOs
Today’s CIOs are faced with the challenge of operating under reduced or constrained IT budgets, yet missioned with initiatives such as lowering transaction/product costs for key operating units, delivering enhanced profitability to the organization and more competitive pricing to your customers.

Dataram can introduce immediate and substantial cost of computing reductions while also enhancing the quality of service delivered through the IT organization. Let us prove to you how substantial cost reductions can be realized quickly and transparently.

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